
327 Articles

If You’re A Mom Who Feels Forgotten, Remember This

The worst feeling isn't being lonely. It's being forgotten by someone you

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How to Heal After Being Left for Someone Else

Cry it out People are wrong when they say “we need to

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When You Walked Out of My Life, I Should’ve Slammed The Door Behind You

You walked out on me I never thought the day would come

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Don’t Panic, Your Separation Will Actually Teach Your Kids A Lot

Life is beyond unpredictable, so just roll with it. Okay, so you

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9 Ways Women Who’ve Been Emotionally Abused Love Differently

Those who have been emotionally abused understand how much it changes you.

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You’ll Regret Leaving the Girl Who Would’ve Healed Your Heart

"Her heart belonged to someone, someone who is perfect for her, someone

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For The Single Parents Who Need A Little Courage, This Is For You

You've got this There was a time in your life that you

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16 Reasons To Date A Single Mother

Here are 16 reasons to date a single mother:  1. She won't

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An Open Letter to Men Who Complain About Child Support

Dear men who complain about paying child support because she’s taking “your”

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Becoming A Single Mom Can Make You Realize How Strong You Are

First off, if your a single're a bad*ss!! There are many

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