Here’s To The Grandparents Who Really Show Up

My husband and I had been psyched about the concert for months. Months. The Pixies are one of our favorite bands, and Weezer is up there in my top five.

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You are not alone. Tomorrow is a new day.

There is nothing quite like a battle with a two year old to make you question everything about your parenting. I walked away in tears tonight not knowing whether

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Dear Overwhelmed Mama

When you feel like your life is spiraling out of control and you have no idea how to regain balance and stand on your own two feet again, I want

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To My Second Baby Who Didn’t Make Me a Mother — But Did Make Me a Better One

You were second. Not in my heart, but one did come before you in time. Yes, with you, it was different. There was no gender reveal party. No elaborate showers.

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I Don’t Want More Kids, I Just Want More Time With the Ones I Have

One spring afternoon, after my oldest son rode his bike downtown with his friends, I drove nearby to pick up something at the store. My son was sitting on a

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For the exhausted mom who hides a few minutes to cry in the bathroom…

For the mom hidden in the bathroom, because she needs a few minutes of tranquility while slipping tears from her eyes. For the mom who is so tired that she

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My Worst Day As a Mom

Last night was BAD. And I mean J, my two and a half-year-old, just would not listen for anything. The day started out pretty rough, so I knew it wasn't

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Ways to Keep Your Children Happy and Healthy

Raising your kids can be a very difficult thing to do at times. While you are trying to keep your kids healthy and happy, there are many ways that you

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Deadbeat Lying Dad

Child support I filed for child support, and 7 MONTHS later, we finally had the mediation. Coincidentally, my ex had been fired from his job only 2 weeks after I

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Worst Parents in History

Anyone can have kids, but that doesn't mean they should. Here are a few parents that would have been better off not. Pageant Mom Lies About Giving Botox to her

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