Guy Offers To Rent Out His Parenting Services To Deadbeat Dads

An Australian man has started a pretty unusual business venture; ‘renting’ out his parenting services to deadbeat dads. Jake James, of Blue Haven, New South Wales, has spread the word

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Man Who Grew Up Without Father Makes Youtube Channel To Help Kids With No Dad

In some of the most wholesome news you’re likely to read this year (because lets face it, 2020 is a complete shit show and barely anything positive has happened), a

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IRS speeds up coronavirus check printing, delivery ahead of schedule

Americans who are struggling with unemployment or reduced hours due to the COVID-19 outbreak may be getting relief faster than expected in the form of coronavirus checks. According to Fox

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If you owe child support, don’t expect a part of the stimulus check

President Trump signed the CARES Act into law. It is the largest stimulus package in American history, costing $2.2 trillion. A significant portion of that money will be spent sending

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Your Baby-Mom Hates You Because You Get To Pick And Choose When You Want to Parent

Oh, Lawd I might piss in some people’s Cheerios today, but I’m ready for what may lay in front of me. Before I go any further, I want to clarify

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To The Dad Who Didn’t Want Me, It’s Mutual Now

Thank you, for leaving me. Thank you, for leaving me when I was little. Thank you, for not putting me through the pain of watching you leave. Thank you, for

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Watch a Mother Reunite With Her Deceased Child in VR

In 2016, Jang Ji-sung’s seven-year-old daughter Nayeon died of an incurable disease. Three years later, the South Korean mother was reunited with Nayeon — sort of — in a virtual

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I crossed the aisle today

You know, the one that separates the toddler sizes from the big kid sizes. If you’re shrugging your shoulders and saying “so what?” . . . it’s probably because you

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If you bought Infants’ Tylenol, you may be owed money

Some cash could be coming your way after Johnson and Johnson agreed to a $6.3 million settlement to people who bought Infants’ Tylenol. The agreement came as a settlement to

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Dear Exhausted Mom In The Trenches

I know how you feel. You are tired. Tired of the monotony. Tired of your own version of Groundhog Day. Tired of the seat belts and the sippy cups and

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