Mom Dumps Newborn In Airport Bathroom With A Heartbreaking Note
Shocking Arizona officials are releasing shocking new information about a baby who…
Would You Want A Sick Nurse To Take Care Of You?
An Ohio nurse was fired by her boss after refusing to come…
13-year-old boy forced to live in a dog kennel before being beaten to death by mother’s boyfriend
A teenage boy who was found buried in a grave on the…
An Apology Letter To My Second Child
My Dearest Second Child, As your arrival into this world got closer,…
10 Truths About the Relationship Between Stepparent & Stepchild
I was separated from the biological father of my daughter for about…
Why Keeping Your Child’s Baby Teeth May Be An ‘Insurance Policy’ For Their Future
New research shows that baby teeth have potentially life-saving stem cells, almost…
Baby Dies 5 Months After Birth, Then Mom Reveals What Doctors Told Her When She Was 36 Weeks Pregnant
Hannah and Ben Day were expecting their first child. All was going…
Parents Who No Longer Love Their Children Share Their Stories
Parents have turned to Reddit to reveal why they no longer love…
Mother Kills Her 8 Newborn Babies Over 10 Years For The Most Selfish Reasons
12 Jul 16 The bodies of eight deceased newborn babies were found…
Moms Reveal The Heartbreaking Reasons Why They Abandoned Their Kids
With mothers retaining custody of children in approximately 70 percent of divorces,…