This Mom Hasn’t Gone To The Bathroom In Years. She Confidently Tells Her Story To The World Online

2 Min Read

Krystal Miller

32-year-old Krystal Miller has a problem that many people in the world face, but she’s one of the few coming forward with her amazing story. She’s not let the disease she has define her life…

Chron’s Disease

Krystal was diagnosed with Chron”s disease at 15-years-old, which attacks the intestines and stomach functionality. Diarrhea and extreme pain when using the restroom are tis affects…

The Affects

Krystal suffered major fatigue, and always afraid she’d have an “accident” while out in public. It got to the point where she ran to the bathroom 6 times every hour. “When I first got diagnosed, I was really uncomfortable. If someone went to the bathroom after me I wanted to cry because I was so embarrassed”. Krystal began to cut herself off from the world…

Artificial Exit

A large part of her intestines was removed when she was only 22, and she was given an “artificial exit.” All of her bowel movements go out the side of a bag which is attached to her side.


Krystal was encouraged to no longer hide her disease, but share the ups and downs to help anyone else experiencing something similar. She began calling herself “Bagladymama.”


Krystal eventually fell in love and started a family with a wonderful man…

Daily Life

“No one sees the that we deal with everyday. We’re allowed to be angry! It’s not always easy, but that’s okay. There will be bad days. But those are the times when we have to get back up and keep going. Because the good days are worth it.”

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