Lose All That Belly Fat Without Exercise Using These Tips!

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Yes, we all hear that we need to stay away from carbs because they are bad for you and blah blah blah. So you need to eat the correct type of carbs that will still make you feel full so that you stop craving certain foods. You should eat dark bread, fibre type cereal, couscous and bulger.


Don’t ignore the dairy products. They do all sorts of things for your tummy.


Most people generally need about 8 hours of sleep. So making sure you get enough rest promotes a healthy body that can keep fighting for its health.


You need to drink at least 8 glasses of water every day, throughout the day. This is very important!


STAY AWAY FROM SUGAR!! Do not eat processed sugar that is something that helps pile on the belly fat. If you need some sweetness rather use honey. But remember natural sugar like in fruit is still good to eat.

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