Here’s How To Find if Something is Abnormal With Your Periods

2 Min Read

Women Worry About Their Periods, Period.

Women sometimes experience things during their period that are not considered normal. This article will give you some easy tips to figure out whether or not it’s something to worry about.

Check Your Vital Signs

One very easy way to check whether your health is normal at the time of your period is to check your vital signs. One very good indicator for abnormality is to check your blood pressure. If it’s not normal, you should see your physician.

Figure Out How Long Your Period Has Lasted

Take note of how long your period has lasted. Has it been going on for more days than you usually experience? Have you had more than 6 heavy flows? If so, there may be something wrong. Consult your physician.

Check For Blood Clots

Remember to check your platelet levels. If they are less than normal, this could be an indicator of abnormality. You can actually fix this by consuming a diet which is richer in fiber.

Pregnancy Could Be The Issue

Abnormal periods may simply be the result of pregnancy. This could be a relief for some people, but it can also be a huge issue for others. If you didn’t get a positive pregnancy result from a test, you may or may not have had a miscarriage and not be aware of it.

It Could Be an Infection

Another possibility is that your abnormal period may be the result of an infection. This is because the chances of getting an infection are at an all-time high during your period.

It Could Be Endometriosis

One of the most common symptoms of Endometriosis is irregular periods, so if this is the case, you may want to talk to your physician about whether or not you have this illness.

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