Mom Gives Birth To Healthy Baby. 6 Weeks Later, Senses Something Off & Doctor Checks Ultrasound

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Unorthodox Birth

Eliza Curby and her partner Ben had only dated for three months before finding out they were pregnant, leaving them both panicked and shocked! Although they weren’t prepared, they realized this was a sign that they should start a family together, They welcomed a beautiful baby girl named Charlie.

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“We fell pregnant with our first, Charlie, three months after we started dating!” Eliza explained. “Ben had always been super keen to become a father so we were over the moon at the thought of creating our own little family. Needless to say the decision was taken out of his hands – I win!”

Strange Times

While they fell in love with Charlie and each other more and more by the day, Eliza sensed something strange was happening with her body. She was exhausted all the time after giving birth, and it wasn’t because she was up late taking care of Charlie. Eliza felt like she was pregnant again!


“I was exhausted trying to figure out the ins and outs of being a mum, but about a month after having Charlie though I felt really, super exhausted. Everyone told me it was sleep deprivation catching up with me but I was not convinced – I remember looking at Ben and saying, ‘I think I’m pregnant.’ He just laughed.”

Another Surprise

Four pregnancy tests later, and it was confirmed that Eliza actually was pregnant AGAIN! “The technician seemed awkward and uncomfortable, before he finally said, ‘Look, it’s early days…. but…. I think there’s two.’ And it turns out there was! I was so scared but secretly super excited – I think everyone has a secret desire for identical twins.”


Jack Antony Richard and Wolfe George Harry were welcomed after 36 weeks of a perfect pregnancy without complications. The new parents literally had 3 children under the age of one, but say they wouldn’t have it any other way if they could. They look at it like they’ve had triplets, and even started a blog called “twingenuity” which gives insight to their daily lives.

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