4-Year-Old Girl Has A Husband 25 Years Older Than Her… The Reason Why? I’m In Tears!

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Every story has something unique and teaches us life changing lessons, but there are some which are so special that they touch us to the core and stay with us for the rest of our lives. When we first hear of a story like the one below, we get stunned and start calculating the possibilities of it being true. We wonder how a 29-year-old can be married to a 4-year-old, but the truth is far beyond our imagination.

Abby Sayles

4 Year old Abby Sayles has Leukemia and is under the care of Albany Medical Center.

Matt Hickling

29 Year old Matt Hickling is a pediatric Nurse at the center.

Love Her Nurse

Abby is a chemo patient who is a regular with Matt, and apparently has fallen in love with her caring nurse.


She was so in love with Matt, she wanted to marry him, and he agreed to play along.

Full Wedding

Together with the hospital, they put on a wedding, walking down the aisle, wearing candy rings, and feeding each other cake.

Didn’t Like Coming For Treatment

Before she met Matt, she hated going for treatment, but now she goes more often.


Because of her spirits being so high and her regular chemo visits unmissed, she is now in remission.

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