13 Simple Tips To Get Clear Skin

2 Min Read

Don’t Pop Pimples

Popping a zit could push infected material even further into your skin. This leads to scarring, redness and swelling.

Use Speakerphone

Try to avoid putting objects that collect dirt, oil, and skin residue—like your phone!—directly to your face.

Don’t Overwash

Don’t wash your face more than twice a day. Your skin could become dried out and irritated, and it requires some of your natural oils for maximum health.

Don’t Scrub

Again, scrubbing can lead to irritation. Use gentle, circular motions. No matter how hard you scrub, that zit won’t disappear!

Use the Right Lotion

The American Academy of Dermatology recommends a lotion containing benzoyl peroxide to decrease oil and bacteria.

Clean Your Accessories

Your glasses, sunglasses, or nose ring could be littered with bacteria. Clean them frequently to avoid breakouts.

Avoid Headwear

Have pimples on your forehead? Ditch that headband or hat—they collect oil and deposit it on your face.

Avoid Sun Damage

Use suntan lotion with a high SPF for your face. A tan or sunburn will worsen your acne—even if you think it’s masking the blemishes.

Eat Well

We suggest foods high in omega-3 fatty acids—such as salmon, walnuts, or soy beans. These will help reduce inflammation.

Use Vitamin E

You can take a supplement in pill-form or apply a liquid variety directly to your face. Be patient—it may take a few weeks to see results.

Do Your Laundry

Wash your pillow cases and sheets often—once a week, if possible. Your face spends a third of its life resting on a pillow, so make sure it’s a clean one!

Stay Hydrated

Drinking water often—doctors recommend at least 2 liters a day—should start to give your skin noticeable benefits within a week.

See an Expert

If you just can’t seem to get rid of your blemishes, it’s probably time to see a dermatologist. Think of it as an investment in your health and beauty—it’s sure to pay off!

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